Issue Position: Investment and Innovation in Public Education

Issue Position

We have some of the best schools and most creative minds in the world here in our state. We need to harness them to sustain a thoughtful society and create good paying jobs for our communities.

Carolyn's family has benefitted personally from the opportunity afforded by education. Carolyn's mother, the daughter of an Irish immigrant without a high school education, earned her PhD. Carolyn wants every child in our district to have that opportunity.

As our State Representative, she works closely with local school boards to support their efforts to innovate while ensuring that education funding to our towns has been largely protected during this challenging economy, despite large reductions in other spending. Carolyn also believes that the state's public colleges and universities serve an important role for our young citizens and will work to increase the quality and accessiblity of education they offer. Carolyn actively represents the interests of our children and educators at the State House and is a full-time voice in support of adequate state funding for our schools. Carolyn also supported the limited expansion of charter schools to offer parents in underperforming districts a choice for their children.
